My Wish List


As my birthday/the holiday season approaches, I love to pull together a few items that I've been wishing for to give (subtle) hints to my husband. ;)

We are planning a Disney World trip for early next year, so I want my "gifts" to be things I'm saving up to buy to make our trip easier.

1. Fawn Design Bag- I'm in LOVE. These bags are gorgeous diaper bags that are so classy looking! I love the black, blush, and gray. I seriously cannot decide which I like most! I love the backpack feature. With two kiddos, I need the room and my arms free. It seems like the perfect bag!

2. Wildbird Slings- So. Dreamy. I've been wanting one of these since we had Kate, but still haven't been able to buy one. They are so, so gorgeous. My "wish lists" these days tend to be child related! :) I would LOVE to have a carrier to throw my cuddly babes in!

3. Nike Shoes- Since becoming a mama, comfy shoes are my jam! I love the look of a classic pair of Nikes.

4. Chip Mug- This mug from the Disney Parks App is SO sweet. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite movies ever! How cute would this be for that morning cup of coffee?

Surgery, Giggles, and Sunshine.


Summer has been a wild ride. It started out with our annual trip to Great Wolf Lodge, lots of family time, and scheduling my first ever surgery. In July I had to have a large tumor removed. It was terrifying, but necessary. It took nearly 2 weeks to get the results back that I am cancer free! Such a huge relief! I am so thankful that the results were benign and I can get on with life.

I celebrated my 6 year wedding anniversary and 10 year dating anniversary this summer. So crazy how fast time goes by! <3

In June my little sister (who has lived with us a year) moved out to drive the Bootmobile! It has been SO fun tracking her adventures! Liam is obsessed! He asks every day when he gets to see the boot again. I'm convinced she has the coolest job in the world.

My babies are growing like weeds! It's unbelievable how much they have changed this summer. Liam's vocabulary blows me away every day. He's hilarious and sassy. He's obsessed with superheros and adventure. Kate is just starting to talk and has the sweetest personality you'll ever see. She is so cuddly and happy! 

We are currently planning our first family vacation to Disney World! I can't wait to go through the planning process. I'm absolutely nuts about Disney World and can't wait to be "home" again! Hopefully my kids will love it as much as myself! :) I'm excited to post as we plan! 

This has been an insanely busy summer. I always think summer will be relaxing with my husband home for a few months, but it never fails to be our busiest part of the year. I've spent the last part of the summer trying to be a more present person for my kiddos. It's been a learning experience for sure! I'm so convicted over how much time I spend looking at my phone/computer instead of spending time with my kids. It's been good to step back and make changes! :) 

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